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Why having a will is important

You can specify in your will how your assets, possessions, and money will be distributed after your passing.
If you pass away without making a will, there are rules that specify how your assets should be distributed. You might not have wanted your assets and money to be divided in this manner.

Making a will is necessary if you have children so that arrangements can be made for them in the event that one or both of your parents pass away.

Making a will also allows you to avoid paying more inheritance tax than necessary.

Single Will

£200 plus VAT

A basic Will for a single person

Mirror Will

£350 plus VAT

Basic will recommended

for a couple 

Will with a life interest (single)*    £500 plus VAT

Will with a life interest (mirror)*    £650 plus VAT

*(Please contact us for inquiries with regards to Trust and we would be happy to discuss this with you)

Contat Wills

Tel : 020 337 62 338

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